Sensible Home Cleaning Tips with Micro Fibre Cloths
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Basics Instructions for Low Chemical or Chemical Free Cleaning with Microfibre
For every room in your house, chemical free cleaning with a high quality microfiber cloth and a little water may be all you really need to make the whole room sparkle.
Getting Started
Fold your cloth twice so that you have 8 surfaces to clean with.
If you are using a low-mid range quality cloth, soak your cloth in your home-made or commercial product and wring it out until it is just damp.
If you are using a very high quality cloth - just a little warm water will do fine. Again, wring it out until it is just damp. With microfiber 1/100th the size of a human hair you can be confident that not only are the soap scum and dirt being picked up, but any pathogens as well. Because you are not using chemicals, there are no chemical residues to rinse away.
It is generally best to wipe using a circular motion wherever you can. If the cloth 'drags' at any point - that spot is not clean yet, so go over it again until the cloth moves easily over the surface.
As the section of cloth that you are using gets soiled, turn or re-fold the cloth to a clean section.
Once the entire cloth is dirty, wash it in a little dishwasher detergent rinse it out, squeeze, and keep cleaning.
When you're done, toss the cloth in the weekly laundry.
The ultimate in chemical free cleaning may just be Norwex Enviro-products' Antibac Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, cloths that have been permanently impregnated with micro-silver as a natural anti-bacterial. These cloths have been tested effective against a whole host of pathogens including MRSA, e coli, and even the common cold. Norwex Antibac cloths, as the call them, can be left to dry and re-used several times before washing.
The ultimate in chemical free cleaning may just be Norwex Enviro-products' Antibac Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, cloths that have been permanently impregnated with micro-silver as a natural anti-bacterial. These cloths have been tested effective against a whole host of pathogens including MRSA, e coli, and even the common cold. Norwex Antibac cloths, as the call them, can be left to dry and re-used several times before washing.